Monday, March 29, 2010

Together: featuring poet Paarth Kelkar


  1. We are enjoying following you all on your advntures. We look forward to reading about and seeing the photos of the day. The poems and daily journal entries are very powerful too.

  2. Sarah D
    I am really enjoying following all of you around - especially since I could not come. Grandma is enjoying it also. I was able to locate some more information on my grandfather (my dad's father). He fought in France in WWI with the Expeditionary Forces from 1915-1919. He spent alot of time in the trenches and did suffer a gas attack which he did survive. He was discharged in 1919 as he suffered a schrapnel wound. Vimy Ridge looks more amazing than what I had thought. Can't wait to hear about everyting. Paarth's poem was excellent. We are trying to add more minutes to your phone. Love Mom xoxox

  3. kdland,
    Gordon's great grandfather was also in the Expeditionary Forces (24th Battalion) in France and suffered a gas attack. Perhaps they served together. We know he was in the front-line trenches at Mercatel just south of Vimy and earned a Military Cross for leading a party and "going over the top" to successfully capture a position and a bunch of Germans.
